Do you know exactly about dental bone graft?


Dental bone graft is a necessary procedure when jaw bone loss has occurred. This procedure is usually performed before a dental implant is made or when bone loss is negatively affecting the gums and adjacent teeth. Join Ava Dental Clinic to discover how bone grafting is done and the great benefits of this service.

What is a dental bone graft?

A dental bone graft is a method used to increase the amount of bone in a part of the jaw where the bone has been lost or needs extra support. Bone grafting is also a support step for the dental implant process, in case the jaw bone is lost, affecting the health of the gums and nearby teeth.

Where does the bone for grafts come from?

A bone graft can come from:

– Autografts: involves bone from your own bone such as the hip, tibia, or back of the jaw.

– Allografts: involves bone from a human donor, usually a cadaver.

– Xenografts: involves bone from the animal sources, such as a cow, pig, or coral.

– Alloplastics: deals with synthetic material, such as calcium phosphate or calcium sodium phosphosilicate (Bioglass).

Dental bone graft material

The type of bone graft you receive depends on several factors: what your dentist offers, what your insurance covers, and your requirements. Autologous procedures are types of bone that have the ability to strengthen the jawbone support and promote faster healing. However, the most common type of bone graft available is cow bone graft due to availability and it combines very well with human bone and rarely causes complications.

Who is a good candidate for a dental bone graft?

A person with bone loss in their jaw usually needs a dental bone graft. This procedure may be recommended if you:

– Bond loss after tooth extraction: When teeth are extracted for a long time without filling the space, the jawbone will gradually lose bone and may misalign adjacent teeth. The bone grafting helps to stabilize the jawbone.

– Dental implants to replace lost teeth: People who receive dental implants to replace missing teeth are popular candidates for bone grafting. Bone grafting is necessary to create a strong enough base for the implant.

– Bone loss due to gum disease (periodontal): You need a dental bone graft to support the part of the jaw that has lost bone due to gum disease. Bone loss can affect adjacent teeth and gum tissue, so a bone graft can help prevent further bone loss and the long-term health complications that come with it.

What are the different types of bone grafts? 

There are several types of bone grafts with the same goal of restoring bone that has been lost. However, each type of bone graft chosen will depend on the cause of your bone loss or tooth loss:

Dental bone graft structure

Socket preservation

Socket preservation is a type of graft that is placed in the socket immediately after tooth extraction with the purpose of filling the gap of the missing tooth and preventing the edges of the socket from entering; to avoid a bone loss that may occur after tooth extraction.

Ridge augmentation

Ridge augmentation is a type of graft used when teeth have been lost for a while, and the supporting jaw bone may be thinner than before. Ridge augmentation increases the width and volume of the jawbone, creating a stable foundation for implants or other prosthetic options.

Sinus lift

When bone loss has occurred near the upper teeth causing the sinuses to move downwards, a bone graft will be performed to restore the stability of the upper jaw and the sinuses will also be moved to the correct position.

Periodontal bone graft

Infection from gum disease is also the cause of the erosion of the bone that supports the teeth and makes the teeth lose. A periodontal bone graft is placed around an existing tooth to reduce displacement and provide additional support.

Block bone graft

When you have a tooth extraction or loss due to an accident, your surgeon will remove a large “block” of bone from the back of your jaw, near your wisdom tooth (or where it used to grow) and keep it in place fixed with a titanium screw until it adheres to the surrounding bone tissue. Once the tissue and gums heal, a tooth can then be implanted.

What happens before a dental bone graft procedure?

– Not eating or drinking anything 8 to 12 hours before the procedure (depending on the type of anesthesia you’ll receive).

– Not smoking or drinking alcohol at least 24 hours before the procedure.

– Check with your doctor about the medications you have used, especially aspirin (Bayer, Bufferin), pain relievers, and blood thinners because it raises the risk of bleeding complications during surgery.

– Using an antibiotic to take before your procedure lowers your chances of developing an infection.

– Dentist performs an oral examination to check the health of your teeth, gums, and jaw. 

– Check the jawbone with 3D X-rays to determine the exact position of the teeth to be removed.

– The dentist will discuss your treatment options with you and create a personalized treatment plan to meet your needs.

How does a dental bone graft work?

– You receive a local anesthetic or intravenous injection before the procedure.

– Dentists clean the socket and affected area.

– Dentists make an incision through the gum tissue to expose the area to be grafted.

– Dentists place bone material directly into the socket. If the bone is received from the patient’s own body, the surgeon will make a second incision to remove healthy bone tissue. In addition, the doctor will remove bone tissue from the outside (with bone from another person, animal bone, or synthetic material). It is then placed between the two bones to be fused.

– Dentists repair the surrounding tissue and the incision then suture to heal.

What’s the recovery and aftercare for a dental bone graft procedure?

After a bone grafting, the dentist puts gauze packed around the incision in your mouth. And you may experience pain, swelling, and bruising. These are normal side effects that should subside after a few days. Your dentist can give you pain relievers that you can use when pain is not being controlled.

You should change the dressing 24 hours after surgery and use antibiotics to prevent infection. While you’ll likely feel back to normal within a week or two, complete bone graft healing can take three to nine months or longer before your jaw is strong enough to receive implants.

Dental implants procedure review

Recovery time depends on the type of graft, the area where the graft was placed, and your body’s ability to heal. Plan on periodic visits to your dentist, including at least one round of X-rays, to check on healing during this time.

During the initial recovery period, you should:

– Apply ice packs to relieve pain and swelling for the first day or two

– Eat soft and bland foods for the first few days

– Elevate the pillow slightly for the first or two nights when sleeping to prevent blood from pooling in the incision

– Avoid drinking hot liquids like coffee or soup

– Avoid eating hard or crunchy foods like nuts

– Avoid vigorous activity or playing contact sports, which can be dangerous for the incision

– Practice good oral hygiene

Advantages of dental bone graft

– Help patients with bone deficiency: Patients who want to place one or more implants in their mouth must have enough jaw bone to hold the implant(s) in place.

The procedure of bone grafting adds more bone to the patient’s jawbone, if the jawbone is lacking, it will not support good oral health.

– Preservation of facial structure: When someone loses jaw bone, it tends to make the jaw sunken due to bone resorption. This causes the cheeks to sink in and the face to look older than it really is. Bone grafting is used to improve the size and even shape of a patient’s jawbone, which in turn can improve their appearance.

Disadvantages of dental bone graft

Bone grafts in your mouth are generally safe. However, the procedure carries some risks, including:

– Infection if you don’t practice good oral hygiene.

– Heavy bleeding happens after the survey and when the wound has not really healed.

– Nerve damage if during the surgery, it interferes too deeply with the nerve of the tooth.

– Complications from anesthesia.

How much does a dental bone graft cost?

At Ava Dental Clinic, the cost of dental bone graft service may vary, depending on the complexity of the procedure and the material used.

Learn more about dental bone graft service fees here.

Ready to learn more about dental bone graft services at Ava Dental Clinic? Please contact us as soon as possible. We can also answer any questions you have about any other dental procedure, as well as advise you on maintaining good oral health.

Fill out your personal information in the appointment online form or call the hotline to schedule an appointment with our dentist.

Hotline: 0868.134.138 – 0346.134.138

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