Everything about dental implant restoration you need to know


Dental implant restoration is a popular way to replace lost teeth and restore your smile. There are a number of different ways your dentist can use dental implants to help you feel satisfied with your appearance and enjoy good oral health. Refer to the article below to understand more about dental implant restoration.

What is dental implant restoration?

In the past, dentures were a popular solution when you had a tooth extracted or lost. However, these dentures do not have high durability after a period of use because they do not have a fixed root, the root is outside the gum line and is not attached to the jawbone, so there is no solid base. For that reason, dental implant restoration was born and became an effective solution for bone loss that occurs when teeth fall out.

Dental implant restoration is a biological process that involves the use of materials such as titanium to form bonds or fuse bones. When surgically implanting an implant fixer, this material will rest on the bone to bond itself together, with bone fusion to it, before adding a dental restoration. Crown and abutment are attached to the implant only after the bone integration is done (about 2 to 6 months).

Types of dental implants restoration

– Endothelial Implants: Endothelial implants are surgery directly into your jawbone. After placing the permanent implant in place of the missing tooth and the gums surrounding the implant have healed, the dentist will perform a second surgery to connect the crown and abutment to the implant. Endothelial transplantation requires two surgeries.

– Subperiosteal Implants: Subperiosteal implants are used when the patient does not have enough bone left to place the implant. A metal frame (mesh) attached with multiple screws is inserted into the jawbone below your gum tissue and has a post through the gum that acts as a support for the denture. Only one surgery is required for this type of implant.

Benefits of a dental implant restoration

Dental implant restoration is a popular tooth replacement option that includes titanium posts and dental restorations. It is suitable for people who have lost one or more teeth and do not want to wear dentures.

Benefits of dental implants restoration

Behave like natural teeth

One of the biggest advantages of an implant is that it restores full chewing power. You can eat with it completely normally, brush and floss normally as well.

High durability

While a bridge can only last about 10 years, dental implants can last a lifetime. The implant post is made of titanium and integrates with the jawbone. It is biocompatible, non-toxic and not rejected by the body.

More confident

Dental implants help you have a tooth similar to natural teeth, with high aesthetics. You won’t need to worry about your dentures coming loose when eating or chatting with friends.

Keep a natural face and smile

Dental implants allow you to maintain the natural shape of your face and smile.

Preservation of jaw bone tissue

Once a tooth is lost, the jawbone that supports it will begin to shrink or recede. Dental implants replace the roots of teeth by being inserted into the jawbone. Therefore, they stimulate bones and prevent bone resorption.

Comfort to eat

You can bite naturally, eat almost anything you want, even chewy foods like steak.

Cavities cannot occur on restored crowns or replacement teeth when implanted. However, you still need to see your dentist regularly and take care of your teeth, gums, and mouth on a daily basis.

Factors dictating the success of a dental implant restoration

The health of the patient’s teeth, gums will be the decisive factor in the success or not of the dental implant restoration process:

Gum health

If your gums are not healthy or you are suffering from gum diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis, you cannot have a dental implant. Because there is a risk of the infection spreading or getting worse.

Adequate jaw height and density

For dental implants, the bone density in your lower or upper jaw needs to be enough to support and anchor the implant. If your jawbone and chin are too thin or small to fit an implant, your dentist will advise you to get a bone graft so that the procedure can be performed. You may also require a sinus lift if the sinuses are too close to the jaw or there isn’t enough bone height in the upper jaw.

Implant position

The dentist responsible for implanting the abutment also needs to determine the position of the implant relative to the angle of the adjacent tooth to ensure that the dental implant is firmly bonded, the gums and bone must be healthy. Once they degrade or atrophy, the implants will become misaligned, crooked, or even fall out.


After tooth extraction, the gums and bone in the extraction area will gradually atrophy if new teeth are not replaced. In this case, you will need a gum graft, sinus lift, or bone graft to create the bone density and gum thickness needed for a dental implant restoration. Furthermore, the final prosthetic can be removable or fixed, glued right onto the post itself such that the person isn’t able to remove the prosthetic by themselves.

Abutment or adapter

A post is an object used to bond an implant and crowns or dentures, usually attached to an implant to fix crowns or dentures. After mounting the crowns or dentures, they will be attached to the abutment with dental cement or delay screws.

The reasons for dental implant restoration failure

In fact, there are many factors that affect the durability of dental implants

Factors impacting dental implants restoration


Smoking reduces blood flow to the mouth, making it difficult for your jawbone to fully fuse with the implant. Not only that, but smoking is also a great risk of causing gum disease leading to tooth loss in adults.

Basic health status

Patients with uncontrolled diabetes and other health conditions that affect the immune system may experience dental implant failure when their jawbone is unable to recover from the initial implant.

Allergic reactions and body rejection

Dental implants and other materials used for the implant procedure can cause local reactions.


Peri-implantitis is a significant cause of dental implant failure. Inflammation can develop quickly after surgery due to bacteria multiplying in the mouth. Dental implant periodontitis can damage the gums and bone around the implant, leading to bone loss or implant failure.

Nerve damage

Nerve damage occurs when the implant is placed too close to the nerves of the mouth. Therefore, a treatment plan is needed that helps the dentist determine the best placement of the implant in relation to the essential structures and nerves in the mouth.

Poor oral hygiene

Failure to practice proper dental care and hygiene after dental implant restoration can increase the risk of oral complications leading to treatment failure.

Failed osseointegration

Bone integration is the formation of a structural bond between bone and titanium implant. The implant may not fully integrate with the jawbone causing it to loosen or even deflect the implant.

How to avoid or minimize dental implant restoration failure?

You can reduce your risk of implant failure by carefully following your dentist’s instructions on how to care for your new tooth. Some things you should do include:

Practice good oral hygiene habits

The most common cause of a failed dental implant restoration is infection. Brush and floss to remove bacteria from teeth and gums or reduce the risk of plaque buildup. You may not be able to brush directly onto the wound until the gums heal, but you should continue to brush and floss the adjacent teeth.

Besides, to clean the incision without damaging the stitches, you can gargle with warm salt water.

Avoid smoking

Smoking and the use of tobacco products are both associated with an increased risk of periodontal disease. To prolong the life of your dental implants, avoid using tobacco products before and after oral surgery.

Change your diet

Consuming hard or chewy foods can cause pain, slow wound healing, damage incisions, and even damage dental implants. Each patient will be given specific dietary recommendations after dental implant treatment. Patients should adhere to a liquid diet for the first 24 hours after implantation and eat soft foods for the first week of healing.

Regularly visit the dentist for dental care and examination

The dentist will clean the implants and the area around them, and promptly check and treat when there are signs of abnormalities.

For everyone who wants a brighter smile, dental implant restoration is the most effective treatment. To become a good candidate for dental implants, your gums and jawbone need to be strong to avoid dislodging the implant or causing an infection.

In addition, remember to have regular dental visits and meticulous oral hygiene to ensure your long-term success with your dental implants restoration.

Contact Ava Dental Clinic for further advice on dental implant restoration services. Fill out your personal information in the appointment online form or call the hotline to schedule an appointment with our dentist.

Hotline: 0868.134.138 – 0346.134.138

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